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          The industrial applications of plasma techniques have been rather limited to microelectronic processes which are too expensive because of the need of high cost vacuum facilities. After successfully producing stable plasmas at one atmospheric pressure (OAP), however, OAP plasma technique becomes quite promising for its wide application on materials industries. There are many research spaces to figure out its nature and applications. Thus, we have tried to expand this technique from conventional research fields such as surface modification/functionalization/coatings, adhesion improvement between two different materials, and cleaning/etching of material surface, to new fields such as synthesis of nanomaterials, polymerization of ionic liquids and realization of super-wetting surfaces (superamphiphilic, superamphiphobic, smart surfaces). Especially, nano energy research is a rising field of study, dealing with the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nanodevices used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion, storage, utilization etc. Plasma technology can be a key for contributing to this exciting and dynamic field which joins nanoscience and nanotechnology with energy science.


대전광역시 유성구 궁동 대학로 99 충남대학교 공과대학 응용화학공학과 나노에너지 실험실 ( 공과대학 1호관(W3) 147호 ) / (305-764) TEL. 042) 821-7679


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